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I thought I would share this. We are new to Adaxes but really finding it a great tool to host some powershell scripts and make them accessible to others in the team without powershell knowledge.

This is a simple example command that outputs the DNS entries for a round-robin style dns we have for our small terminal server farm.

I just surround any command with '$logmessage =' in the front and the '| Out-String -Stream' at the end and then use the foreach loop to output it.

The '| Out-String -Stream' creates an array of strings from a formatted powershell output table. The second line then just loops through the array and outputs each line.

$logmessage = Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -ComputerName "dns-server-name" -Name "dns-entry-name" -ZoneName "domain-name" -RRType "A" | Out-String -Stream
foreach ($logline in $logmessage) { if ($logline -ne '') { $Context.LogMessage($logline, "Information") } }

If there are better ways to do this I am definitely interested.

by (430 points)

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by (440 points)
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I did the exact same thing in custom commands, you can query anything that works with PowerShell.

I write you an answer just because I'm also interested if there is another way.

I know that the previous Adaxes manager in my company did complexe CSV export and send them by email to the initiator. I don't think that is a good option, I prefer the .logmessage.

I took his code, remove the export-csv and send-mailmessage part and replace by this:

foreach($entry in $report){
$entryUser = $entry | select -ExpandProperty utilisateur
$entryAlias = $entry | select -ExpandProperty nom
$Context.LogMessage("$entryUser`,$entryAlias", "Information")

And it works well.



There is no other possibility to add multiple lines to the Execution log. You just need to call the $Context.LogMessage for each line separately. Putting the method into foreach is the best solution which should work just fine.

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