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Why Adaxes cannot manage email forwarding configured as SMTP address? It works only with email forwarding when forwarding is done to mail contact or other mailbox, but when SMTP mail forwarding is configured it shows up as blank.

Is there a configuration that needs to be enabled or workaround that we could use for managing mail forwarding through Adaxes web interface? Currently we have frustrated team members because forwarding exists but is not represented in Adaxes...

by (760 points)


Do we understand correctly that the users are able to specify Forward to in Exchange properties, but after clicking Save the option appears blank? If that is correct, most probably the issue occurs because the logged on user has no permissions to read the Forward to property, but has the permissions to modify it. For information on how to grant the permissions, see https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Delega ... eTasks.htm. On step 4 of the tutorial, you need to select User Object type and then select Allow Read 'Forward to' property in the Property-specific permissions list.

Also, the permission to read the Forward to property can be denied for the user by one of the assigned Security Roles. For information on how to check Security Roles assigned to a user, see https://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Man ... forms.html. Deny permissions always override Allow ones.



the issue is when Powershell (or 365 management console) is used to set SMTP forwarding.

Set-Mailbox -Identity "Ken Sanchez" -ForwardingSMTPAddress "pilarp@contoso.com"

Then Adaxes does not show the forwarding.



You can view Forwarding SMTP Address via Adaxes Administration Console. You need the msExchGenericForwardingAddress attribute. For the attribute to be displayed in Adaxes Web Interface, you need to add it to the corresponding form (e.g. the form for viewing user accounts). For information on how to customize Web Interface forms, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInt ... diting.htm.
For information on how to customize display names of AD properties, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Man ... Names.html.



But this does not work when SMTPforwarding is set on 365. We are in hybrid exchange.



You can update a custom attribute with the value of the Forwarding SMTP Address attribute in Exchange Online on a regular basis (i.e. using a Scheduled Task). The updated custom attribute can be displayed where you need in Adaxes. But if the value is stored somewhere on-premise to be set in Exchange Online and your workflow allows to change the attribute online only the way you do it, then you could display the value in Adaxes directly.
So, how exactly you are running the Set-Mailbox cmdlet and how do you get a value for the attribute?

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