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Wondering if this is possible given the SDK options for manipulating the addaxes business rules. We have a desire to regularly extract all the powershell scripts from various business rules and custom commands so that we can sync them to source control. Is it possible to extract these scripts in an automated way? I know that you can 'save' them within the interface but was hoping to make is so that our developers don't need to remember that and we get 100% coverage with the ability to see the scripts historically.


by (300 points)

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by (216k points)
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If you need to extract scripts from existing Business Rules, Custom Commands and Scheduled Tasks for further synchronization with a source control system, then yes, it is possible. It can be done via a script in a Scheduled Task. The script will go through the configuration objects to check if they contain scripts. The scripts can be saved according to your needs. For example of the script, have a look at the following script in our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repositor ... s-s224.htm. For information about writing scripts for Adaxes, have a look at our SDK.


That is excellent, thank you!

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