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Dear support,

Property patterns for date are currently barely usable. You can define that the value must be:
- One of the following values only
- Must not contains the following values

I can't thing of any real use case for such condition with fields like accountExpires & the likes; enumerating valid options is nearly impossible and suboptimal. It would be in my opinion way better to have comparison based conditions like:
- AccountExpires cannot exceed %datetime%+3
- AccountExpires cannot be before %datetime%

We are currently doing those checks using a business rules, but it would look cleaner if the property pattern could handle that natively.

Cheers !

by (750 points)

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by (284k points)
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Hello Pierre,

Thank you for the suggestion, we will consider it for future releases of Adaxes.

You are right, currently, this can be done only using Business Rules. As another option, you can specify a template for generating the default Account Expires value and remove the property from the user creation form in Adaxes Web Interface. For details, have a look at the following tutorials:
https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Simpli ... wUsers.htm
https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInt ... diting.htm

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