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The Advanced Search in the Domain Find(CTRL-F3) function allows you to select a custom Active Directory field(added by IT, not a windows default AD field). When you specify the criteria and value for boolean fields it recognizes the field is boolean and limites the search to true or false accordingly. When you press find now... the search results are empty. Since I cannot cut/paste the print screen, here are my Find Settings: Type = User, US Security Processing is the selected field, equals is the logical operator, and true is the value.

Additionally on Custom String fields it would be very helpful to have a Contains, Does not Contain logical operator in the Find function.


by (360 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)


Try using the LDAP Search tab. Will there be any search results if you specify an LDAP filter?
Example: (usSecurityProcessing=TRUE)

Additionally on Custom String fields it would be very helpful to have a Contains, Does not Contain logical operator in the Find function.

For string fields those logical operators must be available. Can you right-click your custom property in the Result Pane, select Properties, and post a screenshot of the Properties dialog here?


If I use the LDAP query feature AND the actual Active DIrectory field name AND = TRUE(all upper case) - I get the proper results.

The advanced search shows the "Friendly Name" equals, then the drop down only has two option true and false(all lower case). No matter what I select, neither produces any results.

I would love to put in print screens, but cut and paste into this forum doesn't work for me... please fix that...


Hello Michael,

We've managed to find and fix the issue with boolean search criteria in Advanced Search. Thank you for the bug report!
The fix will be available in 2012.2 that is scheduled for November. If you need the fix earlier, just let me know.

I would love to put in print screens, but cut and paste into this forum doesn't work for me... please fix that...

To post an image:

  1. Click the Upload attachment link located underneath the text box.
  2. Choose Browse and select the image you want to post.
  3. Click Add the file to upload your image to the post.
  4. Set the cursor to the position where you want to paste the image, and click Place inline.

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