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I have an immediate requirement for the following, can you let me know how to handle it using Adaxes:
1. Export members of an AD group to CSV (including members of the nested groups).
2. Adding existing users to an existing AD group in bulk with the CSV file.

by (70 points)

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by (18.0k points)
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It's possible to do this using the Adaxes PowerShell module:

Export group members to a CSV file:
Get-AdmGroupMember "CN=Group,DC=domain,DC=com" -Recursive | Export-Csv "C:\members.csv" -NoTypeInformation

Add members to a group from a CSV file:
Import-Csv "C:\members.csv" | ForEach-Object {Add-AdmPrincipalGroupMembership $_.ObjectGuid -MemberOf "CN=Group2,DC=domain,DC=com"}


Thanks Eugene! You saved me a day.


We are always glad to help.

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