+1 vote

Is there any way to change the format of the email sent to users when they need to approve something? We would like to customize the message and make it look more like what they expect to see from our internal security group.

by (710 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (216k points)


Yes, this is possible, however, you should keep in mind that it is impossible to customize an email template for each approval request. If you customize e-mail templates, the customizations will be applied to every approval request notification sent by Adaxes. To customize the notifications:

  1. Open Adaxes Administration Console.

  2. Expand the service node that represents your Adaxes service.

  3. Right-click Approval Requests and click Properties in the context menu.

  4. Click the E-Mail Notifications tab.

  5. On the E-Mail Notifications tab, select the tab that represents the type of notifications that you want to customize

    • Submitted tab - for notifications sent when an operation is submitted for approval,
    • Approved tab - for notifications sent when an operation is approved.
    • Denied tab - for notifications sent when an operation is denied.
    • Cancelled tab - for notifications sent when an operation is cancelled.

  6. In the Subject filed, specify the subject for the notification.

  7. In the Header filed, specify the header of the notification text. This text will be displayed in the notification message body above the description of the operation that triggered the notification.

  8. In the Footer filed, specify the footer of the notification text. This text will be displayed in the notification message body below the description of the operation that triggered the notification.

  9. In the Font and Size fields, specify the font and font size to be used in the notification text.

    The description of the operation that triggered the sending of the notification will be automatically included into the message by Adaxes.

Also, take a look at Customizing Templates for E-mail Notifications.


Is there an option to add a jpeg to the header an an approval request? We are looking to brand all emails coming from Adaxes to the users.



No, there is no such possibility. However, thank you for the suggestion. We will consider it.

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