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I had followed the steps listed under the url: http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Simplif ... Script.htm to validate EmployeeID field, to check for "-". How come during the testing stage, the system still let me create the new user account even though I purposely entered "-" ?

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


If you used the script exactly as it is in the tutorial, then it works as designed and it should allow an Employee ID with an "-" character. On the contrary, it should not allow creating a user if the Employee ID does not contain the "-" character. Take a closer look at the following lines in the code:

if (**-not**($value.Contains("-")))  
$Context.Cancel("employeeID is invalid.")  


Thanks. You are right on the statement. But now when I test again, employeeID with just number, I cannot see any error message. It will proceed to generate a request for approval. I only notice that this time round, it seem that the user account was not created even though I approve it. Normally, it will



Can we take a look at your Business Rules that validate the Employee ID and send the operation for approval?

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