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Trying to create a new group and getting the following error:

"The name reference is invalid. (Server: example.com)"

I've created groups before...the problem seems to have just started today.

I'm logged in as a user with a Security Role of Super Manager. The account used by the Adaxes service is a member of the Domain Admins group so Active Directory permissions shouldn't be an issue. I am able to create a User object, so the problem seems limited to just creating a new Group object.

It has me puzzled so I'm looking for some direction...

by (320 points)


It looks like upon creation of a group you are trying to set a certain property that has the DN syntax, but the value that you set does not comply with all the requirements for DNs that the property accepts. For example, you can have a Business Rule triggered after creating a group, that can add some objects to a new group, and not all of those objects are from the same forest as the new group itself.

To troubleshoot the issue, first of all, how do you create the groups? Do you create them manually or via import, for example? Do you use the Administration Console or the Web Interface for this purpose? Can you also post here or send to our support e-mail (support[at]adaxes.com) a screenshot of the error that you get?

1 Answer

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by (320 points)

I found the error on our part and was able to resolve the issue.

We're using a Property Pattern for groups and one of the properties we were populating with a default value was the Managed By field. The object we were including by default in the Managed By field was moved to a different OU which looks to have caused the issue. Updating the Property Pattern with the correct location for the object solved the issue.

Thanks for your assistance.

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