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Hello, I have a scheduled task that update the employeeID from a value in our ERP system. Right now the task runs a Powershell script that gathers the info and then uses Set-AdmUser to set the attribute. A business rule then kicks in to send the operation for approval. This allows us to monitor what is going on, and to view what the EmployeeID is being set to (as a sanity check) before we allow the change. Eventually we'll probably just let it run wild with no checks, but that's in the far future.

Everything works fine, but the logs for the scheduled tasks always show that an error occurred, the message attached to the error just states that "This operation requires approval." This will make it difficult to distinguish actual errors from the task running as it should.

Is there a way to stop the logs from showing an error when approval is required? Or is there a better way to handle the whole process?

Thanks in advance.

by (350 points)


Can you post here or send to our support e-mail (support@adaxes.com) the text of the PowerShell script that you use in the Scheduled Task for importing data from the ERP system?

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer


In your script, you update users with the help of the Set-AdmUser cmdlet, which throws an exception with the 0x8000000A error code when an operation is set for approval. To avoid such an issue, you need to use the try...catch block. For this purpose:

  1. In your script, find the following line:

     Set-AdmUser -Identity %username% -EmployeeID $AS400EmployeeID -AdaxesService localhost
  2. Replace it with the following block:

         Set-AdmUser -Identity %username% -EmployeeID $AS400EmployeeID -AdaxesService localhost -ErrorAction Stop
         if ($_.Exception.ErrorCode -ne 0x8000000A)
             Write-Error $_.Exception.Message

This seems to have done the trick. Thanks for the insight!

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