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We're working with Adaxes for about 2 months and we can't seem to find out how we can check if a action in Adaxes worked or not. We have a scheduled task for User Deprovisioning which should only continue if the adaxes action worked. In Powershell we would just use a Query to check wether the command worked or not and use the $ErrorActionPreference variable. Is there a Way to check if a adaxes action failed and react to it and is there something similiar to $ErrorActionPreference for adaxes actions?

by (100 points)
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1 Answer

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by (216k points)


Is there a Way to check if a adaxes action failed and react to it

The check can be done using a PowerShell script that will examine the action status in General Log. However, it is possible to stop the Scheduled Task execution only over consecutive objects. There is no possibility to stop processing of the object for which an action execution failed.

is there something similiar to $ErrorActionPreference for adaxes actions?

Unfortunately, there is nothing similar.

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