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I upgraded to the latest Adaxes version about a month ago. Previously, I had my Domain Admin account as the service user, for the Softerra Adaxes service, and knew I wanted to change that to a different account.

So I did a full uninstall and installed the new version, then specified a different account for the service. Everything seemed to work correctly, however, my network guys are seeing my Domain Admin account still doing the work. I confirmed this, by disabling my Domain Admin account and restarting the Adaxes service, and nothing was working.

Even though my Service account is under The Softerra Adaxes Service, it's still running under my Domain Admin after re-install.

It's on a Windows 2012 R2 x64 application server, not domain controller. I was under my Domain Admin during installation, but specified the different service account to run the Softerra Adaxes Service with.

by (1.4k points)

1 Answer

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by (280k points)


All operations in a managed domain are performed using the credentials that were specified during the domain registration in Adaxes. It is not necessarily the Adaxes service account (specified during Adaxes installation). For information on how to check/change the account, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.ManageActiveDirectory.ManageDomains.ChangeManagedDomainLogonInfo.html.

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