0 votes


is there a way to save powershell variable to axases attribute and send it via "send email notification" in Scheduled task?

for example, check if Office 2016 is installed and send report via email.

` $software = "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016" $installed = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName %cn% -Class Win32Product | sort-object Name | Select-Object Name | Where-Object {$.Name -eq $software}

if (-not $installed) {$customattrib = " %cn% - $($installed.name) not installed"} else {$customattrib = " %cn% - $($installed.name) installed"} ` then add $customattrib value to Send email notification.

Thank you

by (20 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (286k points)


Do we understand correctly that the script you referenced and the Send email notification action will be executed in the same Scheduled Task? If that is correct, there is no possibility to pass the $customattrib variable value to the action. You will need to send the notification right in the script itself. Finally, it will look like the following:

$software = "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016"
$installed = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName %cn% -Class Win32Product | sort-object Name | Select-Object Name | Where-Object {$.Name -eq $software}

if (-not $installed) 
    $customattrib = " %cn% - $($installed.name) not installed"
    $customattrib = " %cn% - $($installed.name) installed"

# Send mail
$Context.SendMail("recipient@company.com", "Office 2016", $customattrib, $Null)

Nice, thank you!

Is there a way to use HTML formatting in $context.sendemail body?

$subject = test
$body =
text with HTML formatting</h1>

$context.SendMail("mail@mail.com",$Subject, $body, $null)



Yes, you will just need to specify the variable containing the HTML formatted text in the fourth parameter of the $Context.SendMail method and set the third parameter to $Null. Finally, the script will look like the following:

$subject = test
$body =
text with HTML formatting</h1>

$context.SendMail("mail@mail.com",$Subject, $null, $body)

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