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We have delegated updating user properties in AD and the usrs have requested those changes updated in the GAL. Is ther ea way to do this in Adaxes?

by (480 points)

Hello Derek,

Values of Active Directory attributes are updated automatically in the Global Address List (GAL) and there is no need to explicitly update GAL. If this is not what you meant, please, provide us with all the possible details regarding the desired behavior. Screenshots and live examples would be much appreciated.


is there a way to move the GAL into all users Contacts in outlook? so the Contacts always have the updated GAL in their phones?



The functionality is purely about Outlook and is not related to Adaxes. Theoretically, it should be possible via PowerShell. However, users whose devices are connected to an Exchange mailbox via ActiveSync should be able to search in GAL and save contacts from GAL to their contacts. For more details we recommend you to contact Microsoft support.

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