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We have a New User action set up for our HR staff to use. There is a field in the custom form that states "Notes for IT Department". I want to display the data that is typed into this field on a notification email sent to the IT Helpdesk. I don't know what parameter this would be considered. How can I find out?



by (100 points)
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by (288k points)
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For information on how to check/change property display names, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.ManageActiveDirectory.EditFriendlyNames.html. The LDAP name of the property will be displayed in the Property column. To add the property value to the email notification, you will need to use a value reference with the LDAP name (e.g. %adm-CustomAttributeText1%). image.png


Thank you very much.

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