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"Connecting to remote server <<FQDN Servername>> failed with the following error message : The server certificate on the destination computer (<<FQDN servername:443) has the following errors: Encountered an internal error in the SSL library. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic."

We assume this is an error in regards to the schannel but are unclear what the issue is. How does Adaxes connect with the skype server? This may help to diagnose the issue with schannel on the skype server.

by (2.3k points)
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by (216k points)
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Adaxes uses PowerShell to connect to Skype for Business servers. The connection can be established only using HTTPS. If there is an issue with the server certificate, the connection cannot be established and management of Skype for Business cannot be performed. For example of possible cause of the issue, take a look at the following thread on the Microsoft forum: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/ie/en-US/04a69b04-b3dd-40e4-aa4a-08b5375100cc/encountered-an-internal-error-in-the-ssl-library?forum=operationsmanagerunixandlinux.

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