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We are evaluating the product and would like to let users of AD to change password in self service page. We would like to set a 90 days change password policy, would also like to send notification email to users to remind them to change password in self service page? Is it achievable (with customization and batch program)? Thanks in advance.

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)

Hello Eric,

Yes, it is possible. You can use the built-in Account Expiration Notifier Scheduled Task, by default located in container Configuration\Scheduled Tasks\Builtin. Every day, the task sends reminders to users whose passwords are to expire in less than 7 days. Additionally, if a user password is to expire in less than 3 days and the user has a manager, the manager will also receive a notification. You can modify the actions and conditions in the task to meet your needs. Should you have issues doing so, please, provide all the possible details regarding the desired behavior and we will help you.

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