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We would like to have a business unit that is based on an adaxes custom attribute. I don't see a way of doing this. Do you all have any ideas?

by (2.3k points)

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by (298k points)
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Hello Mark,

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility using Business Unit membership rules directly. As a solution, you can use a Scheduled Task and two PowerShell scripts. The scripts will add/remove a membership rule specifically for each user based on the custom attribute value. The task will look like the following: image.png Additionally, to make sure that after updating the custom attribute users are directly added/removed from the Business Unit, a Business Rule triggering After updating a user will be used: image.png If this approach meets your needs, we will provide you with the scripts.


Hi there, i am trying to accomplish this as well. Would it be possible to get a copy of the scripts?


Hello Richard,

Using scripts as described above is one of the approaches. However, it can be done without using scripts if you use an Active Directory attribute instead of an Adaxes custom one. In this case you will just need to specify a corresponding membership rule in the Business Unit. If required, the AD attribute can be updated based on a custom attribute update using a Business Rule like the following: image.png If you still want to use scripts, have a look at the following article from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/addremove-membership-rule-to-business-rule-for-target-object-s583.htm.

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