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I am trying to find a way to create Groups based off an OU and a list of options (check boxes) within the portal

For example:

  1. Select the Target OU to add groups to (Only select an OU)

    contoso.com / Users / Hosted Accounts

  2. Check each type of group you want to add

  • [x] Option 1
  • [ ] Option 2
  • [x] Option 3
  • [x] Option 4
  • [ ] Option 5
  • [ ] Option 6

Where the end result based on the Check box creates several Security Groups in the Target OU

OU: Hosted Accounts

  • Option 1 - Administrators
  • Option 1 - Managers
  • Option 1 - Users
  • Option 3 - Remote Administrators
  • Option 3 - Remote Developers
  • Option 4 - Readers
  • Option 4 - Writers
by (100 points)


Could you, please, specify the version of Adaxes you are currently using? For information on how to check it, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.ManageService.CheckAdaxesServiceVersion.html.

Also, we are not sure we understand how exactly the options are associated with the groups to be created. Could you, please, provide a live example of the desired workflow?


We are currently using 2017

I want to be able to select an OU. Check a box from a list of options based on thse check boxex creat one or more groups



Thank you for the update. This can be done using the Modify Organizational Unit Web Interface action and a Business Rule triggering After updating a Organizational Unit. The action form will only contain Adaxes custom Boolean attributes (e.g. CustomAttributeBoolean1) that will be displayed as checkboxes. The Business Rule will trigger only if one of the custom attributes is modified and will execute a script that will create groups according to the attribute values. If this approach meets your needs, we will provide you with detailed instructions and the script.


Yes, please provide.



Thank you for the confirmation. For us to provide you with detailed instructions and the script, please, also specify the following:

  • What types (Security or Distribution) and scopes (Universal, Global or Domain local) should the groups have? Will they be the same for all the groups?
  • Should all the groups be created right under the target OU?
  • Should the groups creation be logged in Adaxes?

Any additional details would be much appreciated.

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