Script repository
Add new allowed property value to a property pattern
The script adds a new value to the list of values allowed for a property by a property pattern and sorts all the values in alphabetical order.
Change auto-logon status for web interface configurator
The script enables or disables auto-logon for the web interface configurator.
Copy property values from on-premises account to Entra one
The script copies values of the specified properties from the target on-premises AD account to the corresponding Microsoft Entra account.
Microsoft 365 licenses information
The script generates a report that includes information on Microsoft 365 licenses.
Update property value based on the value of another property
The script updates a property of the target account based on the value of another property.
Update attributes based on value of another attribute
The script updates attributes based on the value of another attribute.
Preserve user creation initiator
The script saves the initiator of the target user creation to a predefined property.
All Business Rules, Custom Commands, Scheduled Reports and Scheduled Tasks
The script creates and emails an HTML report on business rules, custom commands and scheduled tasks available in Adaxes service.
Check if Adaxes license is close to violation
The script calculates the difference between the current number of enabled and not expired user accounts and that allowed by Adaxes license. If the difference is less than the specified threshold, the script returns true.
Add users to unmanaged list based on criteria or LDAP filter
The script adds all users matching the specified criteria or LDAP filter to the unmanaged list.
All business rules, custom commands and scheduled tasks executing a specific custom command
The script creates a file containing all business rules, custom commands and scheduled tasks executing the specified custom command.
Check whether email and username are unique
The script checks whether the email address and username specified for a new user are unique.
Recently deleted users with initiator
The script generates a report of recently deleted users with initiator.
Remove all group memberships for a user account
The scripts remove the target user account from all groups including cloud ones.
Remove object from all groups whose name starts with a specific value
The script removes object from all groups whose name starts with a specific value.
Add users except users located in particular Organizational Units to Unmanaged Accounts
The script adds all users except users located in particular Organizational Units to the unmanaged accounts list.
Temporary group membership
The set of scripts can be used to add users to AD groups for a limited period of time
Users disabled during a number of days
The script generates a report containing user accounts disabled during the specified number of days.
Enable remote mailbox
The script enables a remote mailbox for a user.
Scheduled tasks with last run start time and duration
The script generates a report containing all scheduled tasks, their last run date and duration.