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Script repository

Remove disk quota for user on the drive where the user's home directory is located

February 18, 2021 Views: 2984

This script removes disk quotas for a user on the drive where the user's home directory is located.

To use the script, you need to create a business rule triggered automatically once a new user is created or changed. For more information on how to automatically run a script once a new user is created, see Run PowerShell Script after Creating a User.

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$homeDirectoryPath = "%homeDirectory%"
$homeDirectoryPath = $homeDirectoryPath.Replace("\\", "")
$homeDirectoryPathParts = $homeDirectoryPath.Split("\")

# Get disk quota object for the computer where the user's home folder is located
$objQuotas = Get-WMIObject Win32_DiskQuota -ComputerName $homeDirectoryPathParts[0]

$domainName = $Context.GetObjectDomain("%distinguishedName%")
$flatDomainName = $domainName.SubString(0,$domainName.IndexOf("."))

foreach($objQuota in $objQuotas)
    # Find disk quotas for the target user
    if($objQuota.User -eq 'Win32_Account.Domain="' + $flatDomainName + '",Name="' + "%username%" + '"')
        $Context.LogMessage("Disk quota deleted for user %username% on the following volume: " + $objQuota.QuotaVolume, "Information")

$Context.LogMessage("No disk quota found for user %username% on server " + $homeDirectoryPathParts[0], "Information")

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