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Is there a way to get all Exchange Groups and its members in specific OUs?

let´s say the it coordinator of a specific OU wants to get a report of all his exchange groups and the members associated?!

I need this for a scheduled report, but i found nothing. can you help me here?

by (200 points)


Could you, please, specify what version of Adaxes you are currently using? For information on how to check it, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/HowDoI.ManageService.CheckAdaxesServiceVersion.html.



we run the latest version


best regards

1 Answer

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by (298k points)


Thank you for specifying. You can use the built-in report Members of groups. By default, the report is located in container Reports\All Reports\Groups\Membership.

For information on how to schedule report delivery, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_ActiveDirectoryManagement_ScheduleReports.htm.


OK, that worked for me.

but one question is left, how can i get a report of group mailboxes and members who has "send as" oder "full" fights to the mailbox?



For us to suggest a solution, please, specify whether you have only Exchange Online, Exchange on-premises or a hybrid Exchange environment.

Also, please, provide us with all the possible details and a live example of the desired report.


Hello, thanks for you fast reply.

we only have on-premise exchange running.

there are several shared mailboxes and also normal mailboxes.

many of them have set several rights, for example "full access", "send as" and "send on behalf".

what i need is a report of every shared mailbox and every mailbox, where these rights are set.

--> https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/exchange/recipients-in-exchange-online/manage-permissions-for-recipients


i hope it is now a little bit clearer, what we want to have. thank you



It might take quite long to get all the mailboxes and their permissions. As a solution, we suggest using a Scheduled Task that will get the permissions and save the users/groups into corresponding custom text attributes (e.g. CustomAttributeText1). The script will be executed in a separate Windows PowerShell process and thus will not be limited by Adaxes timeout. The report in its turn will display mailbox names and in separate columns comma-separated lists of users/groups with send as, full access and send on behalf permissions. The values will be taken from custom attributes. Does this approach meet your needs? If that is correct, please, specify whether the permissions are required for all mailboxes or only for shared ones.

Also, please, specify how this report is related to the one discussed initially. Any additional details and live examples will be very helpful.


it would feed our needs, when we get a report about shared mailboxes and their permissions for send as, full access and send on behalf

"Also, please, specify how this report is related to the one discussed initially. Any additional details and live examples will be very helpful."

we have several OUs and in them, there are several shared mailboxes.

a manager of the OU should get reports about their shared mailboxes and the permissions as discussed above. (full access, send on behalf, send as)

maybe it could look like this:


let´s say in a specific OU there are two mailboxes --> NOC and TEST

and for those i would like to have a report, which user has which rights

i hope it is now a little bit clearer

and in the initial question i wanted to have a report and all his members about exchange mailboxes in a specific OU

the permission question is the advanced report

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