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I've enabled the "Account Expiration Notifier" builtin scheduled tasks.

Currently, I'm testing it so I have "If account will expire in less than 300 days", it will send an email.

I have my user in the security group to test, and it shows via adaxes console that my account password will expire in 123 days. It also shows my user under the affected objects list for the task.

SMTP settings are correct, seeing as I get the test send.

What's going on here?

by (60 points)

1 Answer

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by (286k points)


According to your description, the Scheduled Task sends email notifications only when a user account is to expire in less than 300 days. This condition is no related to user password expiration. In your case, for example, the user password expires in 123 days, but if the account is set to never expire or expires in more than 300 days, the condition in the Scheduled Task is not met for the account. For your information, account expiration is controlled by the Account Expires property.


Great, so I just need to change that to password expiration.




Yes, that is correct. Also, you can use the built-in Password Expiration Notifier Scheduled Task and modify it to meet your needs.

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