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Dear support,

We are trying to achieve a situation where a user will be able to do the following:

  • Create a mail enabled Office 365 contact.
  • Add this office 365 contact to a specific distribution group in Office 365.

I did some searches but am unable to find a specific script that will let us achive this. After a chat with support i'm aware that Azure AD is not yet supported but its should be able to be achievable through scripts.

Hopefully you can help me on this quest.

Thanks a lot and kind regards,


by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)

Hello Remco,

To create a mail-enabled contact in Microsoft 365, you can use the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/create-office-365-contact-s383.htm. As for adding to cloud-only groups, unfortunately we do not have the exact script. However, you can check the following one from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/add-user-to-office-365-distribution-groups-based-on-business-unit-membership-s254.htm. If you have issues writing the full desired script, please, specify how it should be executed (e.g. in a business rule triggering After creating a contact, in a custom command, etc.). If the script should do anything except for creating a mail-enabled contact in Microsoft 365 and adding the contact to a cloud group, please, provide all the possible details with live examples.


Thanks a lot for the extreme quick response, i'll look into this!

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