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I'm learning the Adaxes powershell methods for creating objects.

I would like to create a contact that is mail enabled.

I attempted to use the example but it failed to create the contact in the correct location.

The example from the online help shows. https://www.adaxes.com/sdk/New-AdmObject/

New-AdmObject -Name testSaraDavisContact -Type "contact" -OtherAttributes @{'msDS-SourceObjectDN'="OU=Contacts,OU=Japan,DC=DC1,DC=DOMAIN,DC=com"} -AdaxesService USCPADAXES01 -Credential $myCredentials

I must have misunderstood what the OtherAttributes is for. I was trying to create the object in a specific OU and it ended up in a different domain and not in an OU at all and no error.

Can you provide a better example of how to create a mail enabled contact with PowerShell using the New-AdmObject?

by (790 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


I must have misunderstood what the OtherAttributes is for.

The -OtherAttributes parameter is for specifying values for attributes that are not represented by other parameters of the cmdlet. The msDS-SourceObjectDN attribute in the parameter does not specify location of the new object.

I was trying to create the object in a specific OU and it ended up in a different domain and not in an OU at all and no error.

To create the object in a specific OU of a specific domain, you should use the -Path and -Server parameters respectively.

Can you provide a better example of how to create a mail enabled contact with PowerShell using the New-AdmObject?

To create mail-enabled contacts you should connect to Exchange and then use the New-MailContact cmdlet.

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