0 votes

Hi, I try to make a report for our SAM to show all users with a specific license. But I fail to even find anything. I tried, among many, this script filter: $Context.DirectorySearcher.AppendFilter("(adm-O365AccountLicenses=POWER_BI_STANDARD)") But I get nothing. Please advice.

by (80 points)

Hello Kristoffer,

Could you, please, specify what version of Adaxes you are currently using? For information on how to check it, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/CheckServiceVersion.


I run 3.14.18920.0


Hello Kristoffer,

Thank you for specifying. For us to provide instructions on creating the report, please, specify whether you need the possibility to select the Microsoft 365 license for report generation or it should be predefined. Any additional details regarding the desired behavior will be much appreciated.


Yes. I want to be able to select in a drop down the Office 365 license that we want to get the report on. Then get just a list of all accounts that has the license assigned to it, name, displayname, company and department. Quiet simple, but as said, I can't get the filter to work. Getting the drop down populated dynamically would of course be nice. I have seen how to adjust the display names of licenses.


Hello Kristoffer,

Thank you for the provided details. The drop-down parameter can only be updated by a separate scheduled task. Unfortunately, it cannot be done dynamically in the report itself. Does this approach meet your needs?


Yes, creating the dropdown is the least of problems here, it is the filtering to get all users with a specified license that is the main problem.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (298k points)

Hello Kristoffer,

Thank you for the confirmation. Use the following script from our repository to populate the parameter with Microsoft 365 licenses: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/update-report-drop-down-parameter-with-microsoft-365-licenses-s622.htm. To create the report:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration console.
  2. In the Console Tree, right-click your service node.
  3. In the context menu, navigate to New and click Report. image.png
  4. Specify a report name.
  5. Select Active Directory search and click Next. image.png
  6. Click New.
  7. Click Next twice and then click Finish.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Click New.
  10. Select Drop-down list and click Next. image.png
  11. Specify a parameter name and display name (e.g. microsoft365License and Microsoft 365 License). image.png
  12. Click Next.
  13. Click New.
  14. Specify a value (you can specify anything as the parameter will be updated by the scheduled task and the value is only required to create the parameter).
  15. Click OK and then click Finish.
  16. Click Next twice.
  17. In the Search filter field, enter the following: (sAMAccountType=805306368)
  18. Click Exclude (it will change to Include). image.png
  19. Click Add Condition.
  20. Select If is licensed for Microsoft 365 and click OK. image.png
  21. Right-click the condition you created and then click Add New Condition. image.png
  22. Select If PowerShell script returns true.
  23. Paste the below script into the script field. In the script, the $licenseToCheck variable should be set to a value reference of the parameter created on steps 9-15.
$licenseToCheck = "%param-microsoft365License%" # TODO: modify me

$Context.ConditionIsMet = $False
    # Get Microsoft 365 account properties
    $microsoft365Properties = $Context.TargetObject.GetOffice365Properties()
    return # No Microsoft 365 account

# Get assigned licenses
$licenses = $microsoft365Properties.Licenses

foreach ($license in $licenses)
    if (($license.Assigned) -and ($license.Sku.SkuPartNumber -eq $licenseToCheck))
        $Context.ConditionIsMet = $True
  1. Enter a short description and click OK. image.png
  2. Click Next and finish creating the report.

Thank you very much for the solution, as quick, it indeed works. But it is extremely slow. I guess it pulls out each user and query Azure Ad for license info. And I actually timed out after a while for a license with 135 users. Why can't we pull out the data in the Microsoft 365 License property on the user and filter on that?


Hello Kristoffer,

Unfortunately, there is no other possibility to query Microsoft 365 licenses assigned to a user. As for LDAP filters, the thing is that Adaxes calculated properties and custom attributes cannot be used in the filters. As a solution, you can try using specific scopes to check less user accounts at a time.


Ok I will go for that. Thank you for the reply, and not the least, the solution. I learned a lot of what we can do in Adaxes and the high quality of the support.

Best Regards Kristoffer


Hello Kristoffer,

Thank you for your good words, it is much appreciated! Should you have any questions or need clarifications, do not hesitate to contact our Support Team.

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