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Hello again!

I've built a script to make a few Security Roles. I need to set the read permission to OUs in the script and I think I'm having an issue.

I went into the Adaxes Admin console to find the GUID of an OU.

I found an OU Under the AD section and selected it, then I found the Object GUID in the result pane and right clicked it and went to properties. The GUID I found under the Advanced button is: GUID: {bf9679e7-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2}

When I use that GUID in the script like this:

# Allow: Read Group and User OUs
$entry = $role.Permissions.Create()

$ouClassGuid = # the GUID of the OU object class

$entry.AccessMask = "ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_READ"
$entry.ObjectType = [System.Guid]::Empty.ToString()
$entry.InheritedObjectType = $ouClassGuid

$entry.SetInfo() # save the permission entry
$role.Permissions.Add($entry) # add the permission to the role

It works without errors but when I check the Security Role in the Admin console it shows the GUID I entered under "apply to" rather than "Organizational-Unit" like it does when I create it in the interface.

Did I get the wrong GUID or am I doing something wrong in the script?

Thanks again!

by (810 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Yes, you've got a wrong GUID :)

The thing is that each object in Active Directory has its own object GUID that is used to distinguish it from other objects. You copied the GUID of that specific Organizational Unit that you've selected. However, to set a permission, you need the GUID of the Organizational-Unit object class. You can get the GUID of any class from descriptions of AD object classes provided by Microsoft. In particular, here's a description of the Organizational-Unit class: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/librar ... 85%29.aspx. The GUID you need is the one available in the Schema-Id-Guid section. For example, for OUs the GUID is {bf967aa5-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2}.


Perfect! I was wondering where I could find those GUIDs in the Microsoft documentation!

I tested it out with that GUID and it works perfect. Thanks again!

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