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Is there any kind of configuration file or registry entry for the Adaxes Client? What port is it using? What port do I need to open on my firewalls?

by (40 points)

1 Answer

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by (3.6k points)

Hello John,

Is there any kind of configuration file or registry entry for the Adaxes Client?

Global settings for Adaxes Self-Service Client are configured in the Administration console. No configuration file is required. For details, please see the Global settings section of the installation guide.

If you need to configure different settings for different computers, you can use administrative templates on Windows and configuration profiles on macOS. For details, please the Local settings section of the installation guide.

What port is it using? What port do I need to open on my firewalls?

The Self-Service Client is using the standard HTTP and HTTPS ports 80 and 443.

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