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I'm trying to product a report to show the users with either E3, F3 or F5 licenses.

If I add the Adaxes "Microsoft 365 Licenses" attribute directly to the report then I can see the licenses assigned, but this is really ugly! image.png

I would like to add a custom column which would take the raw "Microsoft 365 Licenses" information from the user and show a nice "Microsoft E3" etc value.

Is this possible?


by (2.0k points)


This behavior is by design as the property contains only SKU part numbers of Microsoft 365 licenses. Do we understand correctly that the custom column should contain a comma-separated list of assigned licenses display names? For us to help you with the entire report, please, provide all the possible details regarding the desired behavior with live examples. Screenshots of the current report configuration will be much appreciated. You can post them here or send to us at support@adaxes.com.


Thanks for the information.

At the moment the report is displaying like this


What I would like to be able to do if possible is for the licenses to be replaced for a more user friendly opton such as





Hello Matt,

Thank you for the provided example. In your screenshot, there is only one license present for each user in the Microsoft 365 Licenses column. Would it be convenient for you to have a comma-separated list of licenses in the column (e.g. Microsoft E5, Microsoft E5, Dynamics 365 Business)? It will be similar to the current behavior, but the names will be more user-friendly.



That would be a great start yes.

Ideally though the report would work as follows:

If the raw data is


and the person running the report selects that they want to see users with either an E3 or an E5 license then the report output would look like this


This way we don't have the report showing a lot of unrequired license information.



Hello Matt,

Thank you for the update. As we understand, you want users to select the licenses for report generation. Would a checkbox list parameter meet your needs? image.png Also, what is a user selects multiple licenses and they are all assigned to an account? Should the license names be present as a comma-separated list in the corresponding column?



The checkboxes are perfect and I have managed to get the report to work with these already, it's more the license information returned I am struggling with :)

Yes, if an account has multiple of the selected licenses then the corresponsing column should show all the selected licenses associated to that account.


1 Answer

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by (298k points)
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Best answer

Hello Matt,

Thank you for all the provided details. Have a look at the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/microsoft-365-licenses-assigned-to-users-s641.htm.

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