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Is it possible to create a drop down that displays options based on the selection in another field?

EX: I want to create a job title background that will populate options depending on what is selected in the department field.

So if I select Customer Service as the department I would like the Job title drop down to display "Customer service rep, call support, etc".

by (70 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)


Unfortunately, there is currently no such possibility. However, we have the feature in our roadmap (Dynamic forms in Web Interface): https://www.adaxes.com/info_roadmap.htm. As of now, you can configure multiple Web interface actions that only have the corresponding options for selection. It will also require multiple property patterns.


It's been almost 1.5 years since this was posted and this is the #1 voted request on the roadmap. Is there any update on when this will be made available?



It's been almost 1.5 years since this was posted and this is the #1 voted request on the roadmap.

The feature became number 1 after the last release as managing Azure AD object had higher priority.

Is there any update on when this will be made available?

Unfortunately, there is currently no ETA for the feature.

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