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Currently, when I disable a user account in Adaxes, the group memberships of the user remain intact. I'd like to automate the removal of group memberships such as distribution lists and security groups from the user after I disable his/her account. I want to set it up with email notifications that shows a list of groups/DL that the user was previously in and removed from. Thanks!

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (296k points)

Hello Jayden,

To automatically remove a user from all the groups after disabling their account, you need to use a Business rule triggering After disabling a user account. In the rule, use the following script from our repository: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/remove-all-group-memberships-for-a-user-account-s33.htm.

However, if a user is disabled outside of Adaxes (e.g. using Active Directory Users and Computers), the business rule will not trigger. For such cases, you can use the script in a scheduled task like below: image.png


Thank you! I have a quick question, for the script that sends an email notification, how should the format of this line be?

'$to = "recipient@domain.com"' I tried doing '$to = "recipient1@domain.com", "recipient2@domain.com"' and when I disable a user account, only recipient2 gets the notification email..


Hello Jayden,

The line should be like below:

$to = "recipient1@domain.com, recipient2@domain.com"

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