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We don't have access to an SMS gateway, so we wanted to enable email verification for self-service password resets. Unfortunately the interface only appears to allow the use of the user's '%mail%' email addresss, which, of course, they'll need to forgotten password to access.

How can I specify the email be sent to '%otherMailbox%' ad attribute? When I try to insert it, I'm not allowed;

Additionally is there any way to make the user enter such a 'rescue' email address during self-service enrollment?

by (390 points)

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by (216k points)
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How can I specify the email be sent to '%otherMailbox%' ad attribute? When I try to insert it, I'm not allowed

The quick search is performed only by attribute display name. The default display name for the otherMailbox attribute is Mailbox (Other).

Additionally is there any way to make the user enter such a 'rescue' email address during self-service enrollment?

There is no way to force them to specify it during enrollment, but you can, for example, set up a Scheduled Task to remind users by email that they need to specify an alternate email address.




Is there a way to let the user's update their "Mailbox (Other)" attribute using the Self Service portal? I have added it to the self service portal but it is grayed out. It might be due to the Service Account that is running Adaxes might not have permissions to modify that attribute.

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