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When enrolling a user for self-service with Adaxes, does this qualify them to reset their passwords via Microsoft Online as well?

A lot of our SaaS products use Microsoft Online accounts, configured by Azure AD. If a user were to attempt to login from a shared user account and failed a login attempt on Microsoft Online, would resetting their password via that channel synchronise the verification steps that Adaxes use, or would it be strictly using any Azure AD policies? I.e. Security Questions setup with Microsoft Account, MFA etc.

Thanks, Dean

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (292k points)


When enrolling a user for self-service with Adaxes, does this qualify them to reset their passwords via Microsoft Online as well?


If a user were to attempt to login from a shared user account and failed a login attempt on Microsoft Online, would resetting their password via that channel synchronise the verification steps that Adaxes use, or would it be strictly using any Azure AD policies?

It will be strictly using Azure AD policies.

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