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When I add the property MsExchActiveSyncEnabled it seems to always be blank.

How to fix?

by (90 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)


Unfortunately, there is no possibility to view the property value anywhere. It is an internal Adaxes property that is only used on the backend to work with Exchange properties.


Would it be possible to create a custom virtual Adaxes Property, and then setup a Business Rule to copy the internal MsExchActiveSyncEnabled value to it? And then display the custom virtual Adaxes property on the portal?



Would it be possible to create a custom virtual Adaxes Property

Unfortunately, it is not possible. The number of Adaxes custom attributes is fixed and cannot be changed.

setup a Business Rule to copy the internal MsExchActiveSyncEnabled value to it? And then display the custom virtual Adaxes property on the portal?

It is generally not possible to pull the value of the MsExchActiveSyncEnabled property. As we mentioned it is only used on the Adaxes backend. As an option, it is possible to have a scheduled task set a custom Boolean attribute of a user to true in case the user has the Exchange ActiveSync feature enabled. Also, there will be a business rule triggering After modifying Exchange properties of a user that will update the attribute according to the feature state. Will the approach meet your needs? If not, please, describe the desired behaviour in all the possible details with live examples.

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