+1 vote


I have two questions about date field in the the web GUI.

Is it possible to determine the first day of the week?

In my case Monday should be the first day of the week and not Sunday. image.png

Only show date, hide time

I have added a new action in the Adaxes configurator to create a user. The date field should only show the date, not the time. Is this possible?

In a custom command, this can be defined with "allow change time". I have not found this in the web configurator.

thx & regards pudong

by (680 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (298k points)
selected by
Best answer

Hello Pudong,

Is it possible to determine the first day of the week?

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. However, thank you for the suggestion. We forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.

I have added a new action in the Adaxes configurator to create a user. The date field should only show the date, not the time. Is this possible?

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. The feature will be present in one of the future releases.


Hi Adaxes Support!

Is there an ETA for this Feature? At least i would like to "+1" it so you maybe could considere to add this.

Bests, Daniel.


Hello Daniel,

Unfortunately, there is currently no ETA for the feature. We added +1 for it on your behalf.

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