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When the UPN being created is the same as an existing one except for the case. For instance, the new UPN is sally.fields but there's an existing Sally.Fields. The script does not recognize these as being equal so it allows the UPN to be stored as sally.fields but then fails to create the AD account indicating that the UPN is not unique forestwide.

by (870 points)


As per our check, the script works as intended and takes into account such cases. Please, post here or send us (support@adaxes.com) in TXT format the script you are using. Also, please, provide all the possible details about the workflow where the script is executed. Screenshots of the corresponding business rules will be much appreciated.


I think I may have figured out the answer... The existing account is in a different domain that is not included in the Activity Scope of the business rule (Before creating a user). This would explain why it doesn't find the duplicate UPN. We need to leave the activity scope as is because we can't create accounts in the other domain. I'm okay with closing out this question.

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