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We have users with a value of a space for their mobile number and telephone number. I would like to figure out who these users are and null the value. Or if the value contains a number leave it alone. if it does not have a number then null the value.

by (40 points)

1 Answer

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by (3.6k points)


To do this, you can use a scheduled task for the User object type, configured to run only once. For example: image.png

The mobile and telephone numbers should be cleared with the Update the user actions in the scheduled task: image.png To clear the numbers only if the current value is a space, you need to use the If <property> <relation> <value> condition and specify If - Telephone Number - equals -   in the condition parameters like so: image.png Alternatively, you can select If - Telephone Number - matches regexp and specify a regular expression which the property values should match to become cleared.

The scheduled task should be assigned over All objects or over Organizational Units / domains where you would like to look for users with spaces in phone numbers. For more details about creating scheduled tasks, have a look at this tutorial.

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