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When setting user accounts to disable we use a business rule which executes whenever a user account is modified. So for example a member from our Service Desk team will go onto the Adaxes portal and select the option to disable an account. They must select an account disable date which will be reflected in AD. Unfortunately when selecting the same day as the expiry, the business rule executes immediately. Initially I thought it was the time so I amended this to be later in the evening. However the business rule still executes and the account is disabled well before the desired time. Any ideas why this is happening?

In addition, we have to use +1d in the expiry property as Adaxes is set one day behind for some reason, and doesn't reflect the server date/time it lives on.


by (350 points)

1 Answer

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by (282k points)


Any ideas why this is happening? The thing is that business rules only trigger upon an operation right away if all the conditions are met. It is not possible to have a business rule trigger later on.

To achieve the desired, you need to change the condition for the Account Expires property to equals %datetime% and create a scheduled task with the very same actions/conditions. For details on creating scheduled tasks, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_AutomatingDailyTasks_ScheduleTasksForActiveDirectoryManagement.htm.

In addition, we have to use +1d in the expiry property as Adaxes is set one day behind for some reason, and doesn't reflect the server date/time it lives on.

The behaviour is not related to Adaxes. There is a peculiarity for the Account Expires property where AD sets it to the previous day. This behaviour is by design in AD and cannot be changed. You can check it by viewing user properties in Active Directory Users and Computers. The actual date you set can only be viewed in Attribute Editor.

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