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Hi there,

We're preparing for the release of a Password Self-Service portal with Adaxes, essentially a scaled-down version of the selfservice portal with a customized SignIn page that better reflects the focused purpose of the site. With the scheduled launch date fast approaching I am hoping you can help us with a burning request...

It would be great if we could generate a richly formatted enrollment invitation to our staff. I've read the Send a mail in HTML format post and, looking at the various %adm-XYZ% properties, it looks like we could kludge a custom HTML Enrollment Notification with a scheduled task. Is this approach best with the current version (2011.3)? If so, what are the properties/conditions used to determine "person is not enrolled"?

Thanks in advance!

by (60 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)

Hello Kirk,

We are terribly sorry for such a delay.

Yes, it is possible to send enrollment invitations with the help of a Scheduled Task.

You can use the adm-PasswordSelfServiceEnrollmentPolicyDN property to determine whether a user is enrolled or not. If the value of this property is empty, then the user is not enrolled.

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