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When trying to set "Accept Messages" to "All senders" on distribution group through Adaxes web interface I get error: Adaxes doesn't have any permissions to perform the requested operation. Account <REDACTED> must be a member of the Organization Management role group or any other Exchange role group that allows its members to execute PowerShell cmdlet Set-DistributionGroup. image.png

Can I grant just some AD attribute permission to our adaxes account instead of mentioned role?

I tried give it msExchRequireAuthToSendTo permission but that didn't help.

by (960 points)

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by (292k points)
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Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. You need to grant the account specified for your domain in Adaxes the permissions to run the required Exchange cmdlets. The following Microsoft article should be helpful: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/exchange/find-exchange-cmdlet-permissions?view=exchange-ps.

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