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We have a form to used by our HR Reps to create non-employee records. There are two fields on the form that are auto-generated via a property pattern: Full Name (cn) and User Logon Name (pre-Windows 2000) (sAMAccountName). The default value for Full Name is set to %givenname% %middleName,1% %lastname% and User Logon Name is %givenName:lower,1%%lastname:lower%. Before the latest Adaxes upgrade, we were able to see the Full Name and User Logon Names being auto-generated on screen, but that is no longer the case. Any idea of what may have changed to cause this new behavior? Nothing has changed with our property pattern set-up...

by (870 points)


Can you check how many Property Patterns configured for the User object type are applied to the OU where you create new user accounts? For information on how to do that, see the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?ManagePrope ... jects.html.


Here is the screen capture of the Property Patterns associated with the OU:
(Effective Property Patterns for the OU)
When I select one of the property patterns and Show All Effected Objects, this is what I see:
(Result of Show All Affected Objects for one of the property patterns)


I'm having a similar issue. Anything in the "User Logon Name (pre-Windows 2000' other than the default %firstname:lower,1%%lastname:lower% isn't working.

I tried just a simple %firstname% in the field and it wasn't working.

Did you resolve this?

1 Answer

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by (1.5k points)

Well, I found MY issue. I had setup a second User Pattern for a different set of users, and this pattern and my main one had Scopes that essentially crossed each other. My first scope included children, and second pattern was a child OU of the first one. So, editing my first scope to not include children fixed it.


Thanks rurbaniak. That helped me to solve my problem as well!

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