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We really like the new Azure AD functionality in Adaxes. Is it possible (or planned) to managed Azure AD Custom Security Attributes (currently in Preview) using Adaxes?

We have a use case for Azure AD Custom Security Attributes to automate ERP role assignment for both AD and AAD users.

Ultimately everyone will become an AAD only user so we'd like to start with Azure attrbiutes if we can.

by (40 points)

Hello Gavin,

What exactly do you mean by Custom Security Attributes? If there is Microsoft documentation on that, please, provide us with a link.


I guess it's best described as more flexible extension attributes for Azure Active Directory.


There are new roles and API permissions to support them also.

I assigned the API permissions to our App Registration but it does not appear as if I can manage these attrbiutes in Adaxes (yet?).


1 Answer

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by (288k points)

Hello Gavin,

Thank you for the clarification. Unfortunately, there is currently no possibility to manage the attributes in Adaxes. However, thank you for the suggestion. We forwarded it to the corresponding department for consideration.

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