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Greetings. When I create the parameters to make a business rule that looks for users whose Email Proxy Adresses does not contain 'SMTP:%userPrincipalName%', it still generates profiles whose Email Proxy Addresses do contain 'SMTP:%userPrincipalName%'. Is this a bug or am I doing something incorrectly? I need to find profiles whose UPN and primary SMTP address don't match. Version is 2023

How rule is set Adissue1.PNG

by (80 points)


Sorry for the confusion, but we are not sure what version of Adaxes you are using. According to the screenshot, it is 2021.1 or older, not 2023. Please, follow the steps from this help article to check your Adaxes version: https://www.adaxes.com/help/CheckServiceVersion.


It's 2023. You can still access this promprt after you toggle the "Advanced" slider and click "Edit."

1 Answer

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by (298k points)


Thank you for the confirmation. Unfortunately, there is no possibility to create a business unit like you need only by means of membership rules. The thing is that value references resolve into the value of the currently logged on user. As such, the unit can only contain the accounts that their primary SMTP address set to the userPrincipalName of the logged on user. To achieve the desired, you can use a scheduled task that will set a specific AD property to a certain value (e.g. set Description to mismatch) and then use the corresponding membership rule in your business unit. For example:

Scheduled task image.png Business unit membership rule image.png

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