0 votes

Using a custom command I am trying to move a user based on a template's OU. I imagine I have to use a script instead of a the built in move? I found a script in your repository that moves the user to the user's manager but I need to use template user's ou. the Parameter is param-Template.

by (1.0k points)


Yes, you are right, it can only be done using a script. What exactly do you mean by template’s OU? Do you need to move the target user to an OU where a user selected in the parameter is located? What is the type of the parameter? Any additional details (e.g. screenshots of the custom command) will be much appreciated.


The parameter is an AD object picker which (when completed) will only allow the user to pick from a list of user accounts we use as templates. Yes we want to move the user based on the template user's current OU.


1 Answer

+1 vote
by (298k points)


Thank you for specifying. You can use the following script:

# Get the container where the manager is located
$templateDN = New-Object Softerra.Adaxes.Ldap.DN "%param-template%"
$templateParentDN = $templateDN.Parent

if ($managerParentDN -eq "%adm-ParentDN%")

# Move the user
$targetContainer = $Context.BindToObjectByDN($templateParentDN)
$targetContainer.MoveHere($Context.TargetObject.AdsPath, $NULL)

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