0 votes

This will run in a business rule "after creating a user" The email should be set to %firstname:lower%%lastname:lower%@mydomain. If the email isn't unique then it shoud be set to %firstname:lower%%initials:lower%%lastname:lower%@mydomain and if that isn't unique fail and log the failure. This should update the emailaddress attribute in AD(not updating anything in Azure).

by (1.0k points)


What exactly do you mean by if that isn't unique fail? Should user creation be cancelled in this case?


Since it the business rule would run after the user is created the user creation wouldn't fail just the script would log that it couldn't create a unique email account.



Thank you for clarifying. For us to help you with the script, please, specify the version of Adaxes you are currently using. For information on how to check it, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/CheckServiceVersion.



1 Answer

+1 vote
by (272k points)


Thank you for specifying. You can use the below script:

$initialEmailTemplate = "%firstname:lower%%lastname:lower%@mydomain.com" # TODO: modify me
$secondaryEmailTemplate = "%firstname:lower%%initials:lower%%lastname:lower%@mydomain.com" # TODO: modify me

function CheckEmailUniqueness ($mail)
    # Build search criteria
    $criteria = New-AdmCriteria "user" {mail -eq $mail}

    # Search for users with the username or email address specified
    $searcher = $Context.TargetObject
    $searcher.Criteria = $criteria
    $searcher.VirtualRoot = $True
    $searcher.SizeLimit = 1

        $searchResultIterator = $searcher.ExecuteSearch()
        $searchResults = $searchResultIterator.FetchAll()

        return $searchResults.Length -eq 0
        # Release resources

function UpdateUser ($mail)
    # Update the user
    $Context.TargetObject.Put("mail", $mail)

# Check first temaplte for uniqueness
if (CheckEmailUniqueness $initialEmailTemplate)
    UpdateUser $initialEmailTemplate
    $Context.LogMessage("$initialEmailTemplate set as user email.", "Information")

# Check second temaplte for uniqueness
if (CheckEmailUniqueness $secondaryEmailTemplate)
    UpdateUser $secondaryEmailTemplate
    $Context.LogMessage("$secondaryEmailTemplate set as user email.", "Information")

$Context.LogMessage("Could not generate a unique email address for user %fullname%.", "Error")

Thank you works perfectly.

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