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I am trying to setup a Home Page action in the Help Desk portal to modify a User account, for this i want to specify the default value of a property to be the value of another property. I have set it up like this:

Having done this I am finding that the default value for my Mobile Phone (Other) property is set to the value of %mobile% for the user who is performing the action (the Help Desk Engineer) not that of the user account on which the action is being performed. How can I reference the user account i am modifying to get the default value?

Thanks in advance for any help!

by (370 points)

1 Answer

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by (1.4k points)
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Best answer

Do it with Property Patterns. Same concept as here: http://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Simplif ... llName.htm


But that will always apply, I only want this default value when running the particular home page action I am configuring (or am I missing something)?


Hello Sam,

The thing is that any value reference used in the Web Interface is resolved using the values of the currently logged on user. That is, when you are logged in to the Web Interface, the %mobile% value reference is correctly resolved into your mobile phone number.

To work around this, you can use Property Patterns, as rurbaniak suggested, or set the Mobile Phone (Other) property value with the help of a Business Rule.

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