0 votes

Here is my issue, When I use this code: $DNs = %param-GroupsInRole% $Groups = $DNs -split "|" %Param-GroupsInRole% can have multiple groups. When setting up the parameter I am asked to pick a separator. So far I have picked ; and | (pipe) but I keep getting an errror like this: image.png

I just need to be able to do a foreach with the groups picked by the initiator.

by (1.0k points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)


That is not something you can do using the value reference. You need to use method $Context.GetParameterValue. Finally, the code should look like the following:

$groupsParam = "param-Groups" # TODO: modify me
$groupsParamSeparator = ";" # TODO: modify me

$groups = $Context.GetParameterValue($groupsParam)
foreach ($dn in $groups.Split($groupsParamSeparator))
    # your code here

That makes sense however, when I am using this code: image.png Useing this set up: image.png I get this error image.png



The issue occurs because the parameter name in your script is incorrect. According to your initial request, it is Param-GroupsInRole. As such, the corresponding line in the script should be as follows:

$groupsParam = " param-GroupsInRole " # TODO: modify me

Thanks! Working perfectly!


One more issue I am having. I am trying to export some properties to a csv file in this script I am building IF($groupInfo.DirectoryType -eq 1){

    $ObjGroupInfo = New-Object System.Object
            $ObjGroupInfo | Add-Member -membertype Noteproperty -Name 'GroupName' -value $groupInfo.Name
            $ObjGroupInfo | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name 'DirectoryType' -Value $groupInfo.DirectoryType
            $ObjGroupInfo | Add-Member -membertype Noteproperty -Name 'GUID' -value $groupInfo.GUID

            #Insert into container$
            $ArrangeInfo += $ObjGroupInfo


elseif ($groupInfo.DirectoryType -eq 2){
    $groupInfo = $Context.BindToObjectByDN($dn)
            $ObjGroupInfo = New-Object System.Object
            $ObjGroupInfo | Add-Member -membertype Noteproperty -Name 'GroupName' -value $groupInfo.Name
            $ObjGroupInfo | Add-Member -MemberType Noteproperty -Name 'DirectoryType' -Value $groupInfo.DirectoryType
            $ObjGroupInfo | Add-Member -membertype Noteproperty -Name 'GUID' -value $groupInfo.GUID

First part dealing with AD groups works fine however when dealing with the Azure AD groups I am gettting two issues: The $groupInfo.Name Returns something like this in the csv file: CN=ADX_CloudTest\0AUID:866f290f64fb4eccbcdce2c704fd5e6d Also the $groupInfo.GUID Returns a number that is not the object ID What should I use to get the objectID and correct name for the Azure AD groups. I've tried $groupinfo.ObjectId and $groupinfo.displayname and both of those are empty.



First of all, after binding to a group it is not required to use cmdlets to add members. It can be easily done using the built-in Add method. As for the property values, the behaviour is expected. The naming convention for cloud objects was changed by Microsoft last year and that is why you get what you get. The objectGUID on the other hand should just be obtained using another property name which is objectGUID.

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