0 votes


and script is


but nothing is happeneing.

my user in adaxe browwser has the attribute to yes

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (298k points)


checking if office 365 user exists

There is no need to use the script to check user existence in Microsoft 365. If the user exists, they will just get the license assigned. If not, the account will be created and the license assigned.

logging in scheduled scripts

You will not see any messages from your script in log records as executing scheduled tasks logging is disabled out of the box. This is done specifically because in other case there will be a log record for each task launch for each object no matter if any actions are actually executed.


ok well it creates the user with a @onmicrtosoft.com email so i wanted to updated it.



That is something done by Microsoft 365 automatically. As a solution, you can use the Modify Exchange properties action right after the Activate Microsoft 365 account one. For details, see https://www.adaxes.com/help/AutomateExchangeMailboxConfiguration.

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