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We have a custom command that executes to separate/terminate a user. Part of the CC determines if the user has an associated Admin account, which is stored as an Unmanaged Account. We store the value of the Admin account name in the attribute Admin-Display-Name. There is already processing in place to disable the user account but we need a way to also disable the associated Admin account.

by (870 points)

1 Answer

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by (292k points)
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Hello Sandra,

In case of unmanaged accounts, there is no easy way to update them. The thing is that adding an account to the unmanaged list makes it invisible for all the uses logging in to Adaxes and the same thing works for native Adaxes scripts. As such, the only option is to use a script with native AD cmdlets, like Disable-ADAccount. Pay attention that the cmdlet has restrictions on the properties whose values can be used to identify the account to disable.

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