I'm new to the platform, so please bare with me. I'm working on business rule that checks for accounts in our new users OU to see if MFA is enabled. I have an Adaxes App in Azure with all the proper premissions, runnings the script outside of Axades works as expected but I don't know how to connect to MgGraph via Adaxes powershell
In Powershell I run
Connect-MgGraph -ClientID 999999 -TenantId 9999999 -CertificateThumbprint 9999999
then proceed to run my script
When I put the same in Adaxes I get an error msg: Certificate with thumbprint '9999999' was not found in certificate store or has expired. Stack trace: at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 12
I tried$graphToken = $Context.CloudServices.GetAzureAuthAccessToken("https://graph.microsoft.com")
Connect-MgGraph -AccessToken $graphToken
but that results in error: Cannot bind parameter 'AccessToken'. Cannot convert the "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJub25jZSI6ImiusaWfQ" value of type "System.String" to type "System.Security.SecureString". Stack trace: at <S
criptBlock>, <No file>: line 12
Any help would be wonderful!